There is a lot of competition in the market at the moment, and Optus are continuing to push prices down.

On Monday they are going to lower the Galaxy S to $0 on their $49 ‘yes’ Social Cap. By doing so they will be a direct competitor to Telstra’s HTC Desire which only a few days ago got lowered to $0 on a $49 cap.

Hit “Read More” to see a comparison of the Desire & Galaxy S plans.


  Telstra – $49 Cap Optus – $49 ‘yes’ Social Cap
Contract 24 Months 24 Months
Monthly cost $49 $49
Included Credit $400 $420
Data Allowance 200MB 500MB
Call cost/min (flagfall) 80c (37c) 80c (35c)
SMS 25c 25c
Minimum Cost $1176 $1126

Source: Optus.
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I’m off to Optusworld Springfield to get my Galaxy S this afternoon. It’s been advertised at $0 on the $49 Business Complete Max Plan but this doesn’t come with SmartFleet (which is a deal breaker). I talked to the lovely Rebecca on the phone this morning, who I talked into selling this phone to me for $0 on the $49 ‘yes’ Business Cap Plan which DOES do SmartFleet but has no data allowance (which does suck as much as it sounds). Soooo, I’ll also be getting the $10 data bolt on (350MB/month standard but if I sign for it for… Read more »


Dave the $89 price came out well before optus lowered the price so yeh Virgin will almost definitely have to drop the price.


I’ve heard that the Galaxy S will be $0 on an $89 plan with Virgin. Surely they’ll have to lower their prices to be more in line with Optus now won’t they? $89 is just insane – even with 3.5GB of data!

I have a Galaxy S waiting for me at the store (with Optus) but I’d rather stay with Virgin.


Went in to the Optus store today, they do not have any in stock until Wednesday.


Could you specify which Optus store so the rest of us know to avoid that particular one, at least until Wednesday?


Oops, I got a bit confused there. Sorry about the tip in the middle of the conversation. Perhaps you could start a tipping page for new info that’s not necessarily a rumour?


Oh, ok. I’m pretty sure their demo hits the round, yellow play table tomorrow, so they may not be available to purchase instore until then.


This is now on the Optus website!


Optus Docklands just received a Galaxy S! Not a demo, not sure if it’s to fill an order or not. I’d call them if you’re interested.


Went to Optus stores today none are selling on 49C, even though they have Max caps – is this information inaccurate or is it just too early?


yea how accurate is this? Word of mouth accurate?

The Source reference just links you to the optus landing page…
doesn’t really help.


hope its true!


Nothing on the Optus site for this yet – still shows $8/month phone cost???

Kenny Jiong Liao

I am considering this phone. After what Ragflan and Buzz have said I think that flashing it to a vanilla ROM is going to be the go. Or even just using Launcher Pro instead of the standard Samsung stuff. Just sucks that the root+flashing process isn’t that easy for an Android newbie like myself..

The hardware on this phone is amazing and I really want to get rid of my iPhone. I’m just so over it!


Mobile Internet Data Value: The ‘yes’ $59 Social Plan also includes 1GB of data per month to access services on Optus Zoo, as well as browsing the Internet from your mobile. Included data on your ‘yes’ Social Plan does not include data use when your handset is used as a tethered modem. If you exceed your plan’s included monthly data allowance, excess usage charges will be charged at $0.10 per MB or part thereof. ================ this is what their TOS say. how can you destinguish that your’re using skype or other networking app on directly on your mobile or on… Read more »


Does anyone know how a carrier can tell whether you’re tethering your phone rather than using it for browsing/podcasts etc?


got any confirmation on this?

David Lin..

i would have to say the telstra plan is the winner

i have been on both and telstra is BY FAR the better of the two
optus is SOO patchy in reception
and telstra its really hard to find somewhere with out superfast “nextg” and full reception making it a big deal and worth paying for


Cosidering to get Samsung Galaxy S for myself & hubby, Social 49 Plan looks fine to us. Fine print in Optus Magazine says: “… Mobile internet data – access services on ZOO + as well as browsing from your mobile. Exlcudes use when your handset is used as tethered modem, VPN, etc” So it’s not really clear to me, for example email isn’t really browsing so do I have to pay extra for emails? What if I use skype or other software that uses internet but doesn’t use http:// protocol? Another thing – company’s policy requires usage of PPTP VPN,… Read more »


So if I use skype client on the phone does such data counts as included into cap? Thanks!

some guy

i have read the terms and conditions and i don’t recall any specific restriction on data usage, it is just that(any data) otherwise it would have to say browsing,otherwise the ACCC would be on their case

Mr X



I’ve had the Desire I mean. Sorry for the typos.


I think I’m drunk. I meant.. They’re a different class not difference class. Dammit. I tried to make a point but I know someone is going to make a point out of my typos.


Really like the hardware of this phone, not to keen on touchwiz though. Has anyone put sense ui on it yet?


Stock android is really good now.Plus, there are so many different launchers on the market. LauncherPro Beta being one of the best. ADW Launcher as well. All the skins (TouchWiz, Sense, Blur) do is just delay the updates of Android. I have a Desire and I flashed 2.2 stock with LauncherPro Beta. You should get Samsung over Desire anytime. The only and only advantage Desire has over Samsung is the camera flash. In every single other area Samsung is better. To anyone considering Desire, I hope I can change your mind. You can always change the look of Android, but… Read more »


Argh! I just ordered this on the $59 business cap plan (which looks almost identical to the social plan) this afternoon. Why couldn’t this news have come a little bit earlier?

What are the plan differences for the $59 vs $49 social plan – just half the data?


Just comparing the business plans;the differences are 500MB vs 1GB data, slightly less calling value, no unlimited MySpace (big woop there!), and you don’t get unlimited SMS and MMS messages.|165|166&plan_ref=Yes_Business_Comp_49|165|166&plan_ref=Yes_Business_Comp_59


There is normally a cooling off period so talk to optus and they will probably be able to move you down to the $49


I don’t know its gettin pretty damn hot clothes might need to be shed in celebration of what this means for Android in Australia. To think that Optus and Telstra are actually major players in the whole thing


I was in an Optus store today and I didn’t think much of the look and feel of the Galaxy S. I could not try its acclaimed display though. In a Telstra store, I used the Desire briefly and I liked its physical design more than of the Galaxy S. Finally, at a Virgin shop, I was told that they will receive the Galaxy S mid next week. I don’t quite understand how that works beacause of the alleged 1-month exclusivity that Telstra has on this phone….


Not all the Optus stores have the demo of the Galaxy S around. Luckily found one store that had the live Galaxy S to try out and must admit the display is amazing. Seems much more sharp/vibrant compared to the Desire. It’s surprisingly light too. The two things I don’t like about the phone though is 1) no LED flash, and 2) it’s an iPhone clone – the app drawer, the middle physical “Home” button, all very iPhone like. Been contemplating switching back to Optus for a while, the lower Cap + the fact it’s rootable already makes it very… Read more »


Its getting hot in here so take of all your clothes!

Uncle Brad

I wonder what Telstra will do with this news? Hopefully they might finally up the data pack


I might Getty it then if its works out cheaper then out right. Is the phone the 16 gig one


Man, it just gets better n better!