Netflix seems to enjoy a slightly privileged position in Google’s Cast and Assistant ecosystem, with the company able to restrict casting to devices it doesn’t want to support. It looks like the company will soon allow users to play its content on their smart displays.
9to5Google notes that the Netflix Assistant Action has recently added Smart Displays to its supported devices list, indicating you might soon be able to ask the Assistant to play something “from Netflix” on your smart display.
It’s not live yet – you’ll still get an error message at present – but it’s a good sign that Netflix wants to be where everyone else is (casting to).
Products like Google’s own Nest Hub or Lenovo’s Smart Displays might not seem like the best choice for playing Netflix content with small screens and limited audio capabilities, but you shouldn’t underestimate the value of that little screen in keeping kids occupied or letting you catch the end of that episode you fell sleep in last night over breakfast (sure, okay, that last one might just be me).
Smart Displays are basically Chromecasts with bells on, so this development may even lead to a thawing of the company’s chilly relationship with Foxtel’s aging Android TV-powered Foxtel Now Box, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.