Well, this is another picture of the phone that you now won’t be seeing on Tuesday morning due to the cancelling of the ‘Playground is Open’ event. EVLeaks has posted another picture of the LG Nexus 4, still at least this one looks like it’s running stock Android unlike the previous one which had a screenshot that appeared to be running AOKP or some sort of custom ROM, the only other thing we can see in the screenshot is the camera Icon has changed to the one that was shown in the shots from the Nexus 10 leak yesterday.

Source: EVLeaks.
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The top of the device looks a bit odd, with the speaker grill so far up and no front facing camera to break up the “bald head” look.
Guess they aren’t pushing face unlock nor hangouts with this device.

1080P or GTFO. Sticking with my Galaxy Nexus for now, dirty-looking pentile screen and all.

Looks like a crappy Huawei Sonic (the ones they sell at Woolworths). I think I’ll be waiting for an SGS4 now.

Amazing how LG caught up.

amazing how its still 16Gb max. The only logical explanation is that its deliberate sabotage so they don’t cannibalise sales of other models like their branded flagship (e.g. Nexus 4 vs Optimus, Gal Nexus vs SGS2, etc.)

I’m getting kina used to the crappy design now but it still looks like a dried up kangaroo scrotum

The nexus devices have never been sexy. I have the galaxy and while I love it, it is pretty fugly compared to say a gs3 or iPhone 5. Even with a nice case like my wife has for hers, it still isn’t lust worthy.

respectfully disagree, the Nexus One is still my pic for one of THE sexiest phones I’ve owned so far

what? Your kidding? The iPhone looks horrid. It is a mish mash of metal and glass which made it easy to scratch. I agree the LG Nexus looks cheap and nasty. Nothing like the previous Nexus phones. The Galaxy Nexus is very sexy with it’s curved body and large amoled screen. The specs are still quite good. The LG looks like the first prototype for the Galaxy Nexus, before they made it look sexy. And the specs have hardly improved. The screen res has dropped a little and apart from the fact you get quad core and some more memory,… Read more »

The screen res has increased from 1280×720 (GNex) to 1280×768 (Nex4). Also, we’re likely looking at an “in cell touch” super responsive, gapless, full RGB panel like the One X. Better than pentile Amoled for my money.

I’m also excited by the S4 Pro chip which has buckets of power while also being more efficient than just about everything else on the market. So, better battery life than the GNex too.

For a Nexus phone I think this is a significant upgrade. Just saying 🙂