Telegram has just updated to version 4.3 bringing with it a number of improvements for notifications, stickers, invitations and more.

The update includes a new ‘@’ badge in your chat which let’s you easily track and find @ mentions of you in the chat. Tapping on the badge takes you to the mentions in historical order, making it easier to catch up on a chat after you’ve been away. Once you’ve read your mentions, the badge disappears.

Also added is a new sticker features allowing you to mark individual sticker sets as ‘favourites’. Once marked with a star, the sticker sets will stay close to the top of your sticker queue. Telegram groups can also choose a favourite sticker set for the group and have it defaulted whenever you’re in that chat.

Telegram has also re-designed the Invite Friends section. This is obviously mutually beneficial for you and Telegram, they get more users and you get another friend on the platform.

A couple more goodies have been added to the list, with Twitch Videos now supported by the in-app video player in Telegram. You can now also check signal strength when making Telegram Voice Calls.

Specifically for Android users, Telegram have added:

  • On Android, when forwarding a message, you can long tap to select multiple recipients.
  • On Android, when viewing photos in Shared Media, you can go to the place in chat where the photo was posted.
  • On Android, if you have many new messages in many active chats, synchronization will happen much, much faster.

Telegram will be rolling this one out through Google Play over the next couple of days, so login to Google Play and check your updates.

Developer: Telegram FZ-LLC
Price: Free
Source: Telegram.
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    telegram is best app

    Wish they add voice call support for Android wear. Also they need to integrate international calling