If you’ve not got any plans this Valentines Day, or even if you do, then check in with your Google Assistant to see what responses Google has planned for this day.

Google has some nice responses to some Valentines Day related queries on Assistant, some of which have multiple fun answers so make sure you ask them a couple of times. The list provided by Google includes:

  • Hey Google, serenade me
  • Hey Google, will you be my Valentine?
  • Hey Google, tell me a love story
  • Hey Google, I’m single
  • Hey Google, I hate Valentine’s Day

Unfortunately it looks like Google Assistant doesn’t understand the Love Story query here in Australia – or it’s not yet live. You can also go the whole hog and ask Google to marry you if you want, but be prepared for rejection – she’s married to her job.

Finally if you want some love music, simply ask Google to play you a love song for a playlist of love songs from Google Play Music. You don’t need Google Home for this, just the Assistant so try it out.

Source: Google.