Google Assistant is constantly striving to be more personal and more helpful with every update, and today’s latest announcement is actually pretty cool … if you live in the USA. Users in the US will soon be able to request payments and send payment using Google Pay using the Assistant.

Initially on mobiles and rolling out to Smart speakers and Displays later this year, the Assistant will be able to manage all of your personal small transactions. Simply say “Hey Google, Ask Duncan for $10 for pizza last night” or “Hey Google, Send Chris $10 for expenses”, and between Assistant and Google Pay the finer details of the transaction will be taken care of.

The system will work on both Android and iOS so even your fruity debtors will be able to pay you back. Unfortunately – like many of Google’s personal finance products – this one seems limited to the USA and I’m not sure that will be changing any time soon.

Source: Google.
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Why tell us about yet another Google product that is unlikely to show up here any time soon, if at all?

I don’t get the point, do people send money so often that loading an app to do it in a few taps is too much effort.

I rarely use assistant of my phone because it’s usually easier to do it myself. I do use home hub and home mini assistants though.