The announcement that Twitter would begin allowing media and links to be added to Tweets without affecting the 140 character limit came back in May, but no date was given for the actual launch, but new information suggests the feature will go live this month.

According to The Verge, the date for the launch is set as September 19th, though they’re unsure as to whether all the features announced back in May will go live at the same time. The list of features that will no longer be counted includes @replies when the username is used a the front of a tweet, videos and pictures, GIFs, Quoted Tweets and also Polls. Under the new arrangements, you will also be able to quote yourself.

There’s no official statement from Twitter on the launch date, so it’s as usual a matter of wait and see, but with a little under a week to go we don’t have long to wait.

Developer: X Corp.
Price: Free

Source: TheVerge.