Some time ago, I started doing an Android 101 series of posts that I have left sadly neglected recently. This time around I thought I would look at social networking apps. For most social networks there are a seemingly endless number of apps you can install on your device to access them, so which one is right for you? I’ve consulted my colleagues in the Ausdroid team to give you a wrap up of the apps we use.


One of the most active social networks that is used by millions of people daily. Inside the Android ecosystem there is a near endless number of apps that allow you to post or “Tweet” via Twitter

Twitter (Official) – Play Store Link
The official Twitter app is a good app to start with if you’re just finding your way in the Twitterverse. It’s simple to use, with an easy to learn user interface and doesn’t intrude on your phones operation by taking resources or notifications that interrupt other functions.

Tweetcaster – Play Store Link
Tweetcaster is a fully featured twitter client that has a really clean user interface. It’s got some features that other clients do not have, or do not do as well.

Tweakdeck – Play Store Link
Tweakdeck is an evolution of the very popular Tweetdeck which is no longer being developed for Android directly. Tweakdeak will sync with the account set on your desktop login for Tweetdeck, including facebook and also (like many other clients) supports multiple Twitter login accounts.

Plume – Play Store Link
Plume is a truly fantastic client for tablet interface, it’s reliable offers a really clean widget for home screen usage and easily distinguished @you messages inside the standard timeline.


It doesn’t matter what way you look at it, despite their very public issues with privacy: Facebook reamins the most popular social media interface on the planet.

Facebook – Play Store Link
The official Facebook app has all of the functions that you would expect on the standard web interface aside from friend chat.

Facedroid – Play Store Link
Facedroid was developed for Android tablets because the official app simply did not work on Honeycomb tablets. Now Ice Cream Sandwich is becoming more prevalent on tablets, it’s less of an issue but this app is still worth the investment. The added bonus is you’re supporting an Australian Developer group.


Foursquare – Play Store Link
Foursquare is a social game you can play with friends. You “check in” to locations on arrival and are awarded points for your check ins, if you check in more than other people you become the mayor. As mayor you get extra points, there are badges (achievements) for multiple and varied check ins. Best bet is to check it our for yourself.


Gmail, Google Talk and a number of other Google owned services are native to Android devices.

Google + – Play Store Link
Google + is the newest and most specialised of social media apps. G+ is (not intentionally) used primarily by Tech Geeks to discuss current issues and information in the geek world.


Instagram – Play Store Link
Instagram is the newest in an increasing number of social apps. It’s mobile based (no web interface) and in short it’s a photo blogging app based on mobile devices.

There’s no way for me to tell you what social app is right for you. You’ll need to make a decision for yourself, if you’re technically minded get on G+, if you just want to be social with your friends: Facebook. Let us know in the comments for this post if you use some or the apps we’ve recommended or if you have recommendations of your own to offer.

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    Aadam Gibson

    I think you missed Seesmic and Sound Cloud to add your social
    networking applications list.

    James Bernard

    Thanks for the info, I check out facedroid.
    For twitter there is also sismic, and for photo sharing there is mobli, and what happen to linkedin? There is the official linkedin app and there is also the linkedroid(?) a cousin of facedroid I think


    Thanks a lot for this. I’ve been trying to find a replacement for TweetDeck ever since it went to $#!^ … and it just so happens that TweakDeck is perfect. Ha!


    You forgot the app.