Moto X Australia
The new Moto X is a much sought after item, it’s now on-sale in the US, but when international sales will begin is the next question. As a sign that the launch could be sooner rather than later, you can now check out the website for the new Moto X on the Motorola Australia website.

It’s live right now, sort of, with the page not listed from the front-end but is definitely available if you know the right URL – which we do. You can check out the Motorola Australia new Moto X webpage here. It’s essentially a reproduction of the US website with a few minor, and a couple of major differences. The most notable omission from the Australian website is the lack of a Build Yours’ MotoMaker button, which features on the US version of the Moto X webpage. You also won’t find options for the accessories launched with the new Moto X such as the Hint, or the Moto Power Pack. There’s also a condensed specifications page, although this may get fleshed out a little before launch.
Motorola New Moto X website 11

We’re meeting with Motorola this week, where we hope to get some more insight on exactly when the phone will launch in Australia. Stay tuned, we hope to have more information soon.

Source: Motorola Australia.
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The page has been updated with the bands! Unfortunately they don’t really make sense for Australia…

Daniel Tyson

We put the bands that the Moto X Gen 2 up when the phone was announced before this page even cropped up :

The bands for the Moto X Gen 2 include LTE Band 3 (1800MHz) which is the most common and widespread LTE band in use here.


No, I don’t mean you guys, I mean the official Motorola page that you’re talking about here, the Moto X gen 2 page on the official website. When you last screencapped it, it wasn’t displaying the bands available. Now that page is. I’ve screencapped it below, and you can see the these bands make little sense for the Australian market. It must be a mistake.


Interested to see the price of these things, as its likely to be around the $550, I can get a LG G3 16GB for that price.

Fiddle Castro

Which 4G LTE bands will it support? The new 700?

Fernando De Leon

If you are going to talk to moto ask about the 360 too pls

Gavin Bowd

This section brings me hope that Moto maker will make it here “Choose to be unique. Metal accents, colorful hues, real woods and leathers, and a customizable laser-etched signature offer thousands of ways to make your Moto X unique.”


2Gb ram, 16Gb storage for a brand new ‘flagship’ device…
That a really sick joke to pull on Australia.


No 32gb option. No thank you. Although if I’m being honest the lack of qi pretty much ruled it out. But poor form moto We like choice too and we have money.


It’s frustrating that I can put a 32GB SD card in a Moto G.


Only 16gb for Australia?? Whats wrong with you motorola 🙁


It’s still early so things may change. Although I’m very skeptical Moto maker will make it to Australia – and tha would be the biggest shame of all.

Fiddle Castro

Can’t see why Moto Maker won’t be available now it’s located in China. And I suspect 32GB WILL be available via Moto Maker