No, that’s not a mistake. Apple really did announce that FaceTime is coming to Android and Windows as part of their WWDC Keynote overnight. The downside is that it’s not going to be an installed option, you’ll be logging in via the Web.

The announcement comes — seemingly as a realisation — while many users globally are working from home and using video calling far more to stay in touch. Further evidenced by the ability to share a meeting link with others and the grid view also shown off during the event.

As part of the update, expected with the new version of iOS, another feature called SharePlay is being introduced. The feature allows you to “share” what you’re watching with others on approved platforms. Looking at the list, there’s limited few available in Australia:

  • Disney Plus
  • Twitch
  • TikTok
  • NBA

Other services — primarily US based — include ESPN Plus, Hulu, HBO Max, MasterClass, NBA, Paramount Plus and Pluto TV. With a lot to like in the announcements overnight from Apple, perhaps the time has come to seriously consider an iPad.

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I hope it comes as a progressive web app

cheap clickbait, could have titled it as web. shows how desperate

Damn you ausdroid, tempting us with relevant interesting information!

So the Rotten Fruit Co are half-heartedly bringing FaceTime to the the Real World.
That’s not cause to $ellabrate by wasting money on an iPad.
What it is cause for is to dig the heels in harder than ever and treat the Rotten Fruit Co’s blandishments with ignore, until the Rotten Fruit Co does what it _should have done_ years ago, and codes and releases Fully Working stand-alone FaceTime apps for Windows and Android. Real Apps, and not just a web browser session masquerading as an app.

There’s never a bad time to buy an iPad – they’re awesome devices. Apple are the hands down winner in this space.

While it would be great to see Apple make more Android apps for some cross-platform goodness, at the end of the day they make Apple products for the Apple ecosystem and are by no means obliged to cater for Android users.

I read somewhere a while back that the reason Apple don’t allow Android into the iMessage system is due to security concerns.