Optus 4G

Optus has added two new Android devices to its line up, bringing the total number of Android 4G devices available on plans to eleven, with every one of their Android phones being 4G capable.

The newcomers are the highly anticipated LG G2, which we reviewed earlier and were very impressed with, and  the Samsung Galaxy Ace 3.

The LG G2 starts at $55 per month (including handset repayment), and the Samsung Galaxy Ace 3 is from $37 per month (including handset repayment).

Here’s a breakdown on the costs, which includes the recently launched Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini:

More information about other Optus Plans are here, and if you are not sure if you are covered by Optus 4G, you can check your coverage here.

Do you have Optus 4G? How are you finding the speeds and coverage? Let us know in the comments!

Source: Optus.
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to correct my previous post that 200 gb meant to say 2gb data plan

i think it meant to say 200mb it cant be 200gb must be a typo there

200 GB included data sounds good to me