Google is busy updating Google Assistant to give new and improved responses to questions, but there’s a new feature coming that isn’t exactly what most users would call an improvement. What is this new feature?

That would be the inclusion of ads in Google Assistant responses. Fortunately, we don’t seem to have (to endure) this new feature in Australia just yet, but rest assured – Google’s business model being based on ad sales means we’re almost certainly going to get it soon.

Android Police reports this morning that, depending on your query, you might just start seeing advertiser responses to common queries. We understand that hotel searches and vacation rentals are two common categories that might return ads, but as yet, we can’t see anything apart from the kinds of results we want:

The reality is, these aren’t context-deaf ads when they are shown; if you’re searching for hotels near you, a sponsored search result from (or in Australia, something like Wotif or Expedia) probably isn’t going to be that unwelcome, given these are generally pretty good places to find hotel deals.

That said, we’d rather organic search results than ads, but if it’s ads we’re going to get, at least they’re relevant and possibly helpful.

Let us know if you start seeing ads in your Assistant search results. Rest assured – they’re coming.


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A woman who was boasting of her dominace due to feeling of informed confidence as to her being desired. Soon changed upon realising that her access was limited to what seemed to be my computer system thru the internet thru the advertising. She became totally engrossed in trying to fix this.