Android 5.1.1

The beautiful thing about Android and other open source is that there’s a great deal of transparency in the delivery, even if the central party (Google in this case) aren’t necessarily being hugely proactive on the information feed.

Until the last few days there has been a couple of unsubstantiated murmurs about an incremental update for Android 5.1.1 being in the works. Now confirmed (thanks Andrew for the tip) to be the case, on the Android Audio latency page the Nexus 7 and Nexus 9 are listed as having Android 5.1.1 as their latest build and this morning when I started the SDK Manager on Android Studio, API22 includes reference to Android 5.1.1

With all of these factors together, the indications are that we should see an announcement and perhaps a rollout of 5.1.1 to Nexus devices sooner rather than later. But that… is merely speculation.

Is the appearance of 5.1.1 on and in the SDK and indicator that we’ll see it soon?

Source: Android Audio Latency.