instagram For Android
After launching their Android app back in April, 2012, Android use has grown to cover more than half the install base for Instagram. Instagram is now supported on thousands of different Android devices and today they’re announcing a new update, which though devoid of new features, promises to be ‘faster and sleeker’.

The app has undergone a spit-shine which will look more polished in the design and Instagram promises that it will feel ‘native and at home on any Android device’. This new design update also means faster load times, with the promise that your profile screen will now load twice as fast, and this is due to the fact they’ve cut the size of the app in half.

The visual re-design will also be easier to use, with Instagram promising that they’ve simplified their design, making better use of the screen on smaller devices while re-arranging their design to better facilitate use on larger devices.

The rollout is beginning today, but hasn’t hit Google Play as yet.

Source: Instagram.
Via: TheVerge.
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    And have they re-enabled posting to Facebook pages you admin? That hasn’t worked since they introduced direct messaging…

    But will it still have the ability to eat half my battery in 30min whist running in the background?