The first game of the World Cup kicks off on Friday morning at 6am AEST, when host country Brazil plays Croatia. Google recently added in World Cup results to Mobile and desktop searches, but now you can follow your national team in Google Now.

The option to add any one of the 32 teams playing in the World Cup, is now available in Google Now settings. Simply hit the wand icon at the bottom of Google Now and then hit ‘Sports’, then ‘Add a team’, and finally type the name of your country – to follow Australia you have to actually type Australia, unfortunately Socceroos won’t work.

The Australia team has a soccerball…Ok, Ok Football on the right hand side. This is good to see, especially after Google made a slight error with Cricket and NRL icons when it first launched.

Check it out now, and add your team to Google Now.

Cue ‘Where is AFL results for Google Now?’ comments.

Via: Android Police.
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    Off topic, but did you fix your GPS?
    I tried poorly in a tweet to explain that it’s a common physical problem with Nexus 5’s. It happened to me when after I pried off the back of my N5 out of curiosity. The contact attached the back doesn’t touch the contact on the main body of the phone. All it needs is a little bit of cardboard to push the contacts into touching each other better.

    I factory reset the phone last night, tried this morning and GPS is just as spotty as it always was. Just need to test some more and i’ll speak to Google.

    I’ve looked into it and I’m already aware that the fix is easy, but it shouldn’t have to be done by me, nor any customer. My aim here is to report it to Google to add one more report of the issue which appears to be affecting a lot of people.

    Does anyone who follows the Australian Cricket team actually get updates? I get update cards on all the other teams I follow but nothing on them.