
Since arriving on Android back in December last year, VSCO Cam has grown quite popular pushing out quite a few updates in its history, they’re all well and good, but the latest update takes the photo editing app to the next level, almost competing with the likes of Instagram.

The update, which bumps the version to 3.0, includes a few new features, one being ‘Find & Follow’ which allows users can now search, find & follow fellow photographers posting images to the apps community social network – Grid. Grid is a free minimalist publishing platform which has now been embedded into the Android version. Signing up for VSCO is free and quite simple to do. The company has stated on its blog that:

VSCO Grid is a celebration of creativity and life, a chance for photographers to curate and showcase what they personally find intriguing

Additional features to the update, which is available now on Google Play include better and more enhanced ability to share photo’s to other social networks such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram along with new updated privacy policy to include the Grid funcionality.

The update is rolling out now but if you have yet to get the update, you can head over to Google Play through the link below and download the newest version of VSCO Cam for Android for yourself.

Developer: VSCO
Price: Free
Source: VSCO Cam Blog.
Via: Engadget.