Google Play Gift Cards
Since Google released Gift Cards in Australia, we’ve seen them slowly expand availablity to more stores, and we’ve seen some deals starting to show up. This week Woolworths is running a deal if you want to purchase some Google Play Gift Cards.

In this weeks Woolworths catalogue, you’ll find an offer for $10 off your shopping when you purchase $50 worth of Google Play Gift Cards. The offer runs from the 8th of October till the 14th of October and you’ll need to scan your Everyday Rewards card to get the $10 off. The $10 off offer will then be applied next time you do a shop and scan your card, but it must be redeemed by the 16th of October.

The offer excludes Woolworths Online and Tasmania stores and not every store has them, but if you’ve been wanting to grab some Google Play credit, this isn’t a bad deal.

Source: Woolworths.
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    Ive just done some experimenting, I only get the ‘choice’ of selecting my Google play balance to pay for movies, books and music, for Newsstand and apps it just has the price with no option to customize where the $$ come from and for hardware only my linked Credit cards are displayed.

    they also use 3 different payment interfaces fro each of these types of payments, confusing.

    Even though I’m a big Android fan I’d recommend staying away from these. Google Play’s payment model has a flaw, where you can’t select multiple payment types at checkout. As a result, if you end up with left over credit on your gift card that you want to use and pay the balance with your credit card you can’t. I think it’s very embarrassing for Google given even iTunes lets you do this. Worth knowing.

    Even though I’m a big Android fan I’d recommend staying away from these. Google Play’s payment model has a flaw, where you can’t select multiple payment types at checkout. As a result, if you end up with left over credit on your gift card that you want to use and pay the balance with your credit card you can’t. I think it’s very embarrassing for Google given even iTunes lets you do this. Worth knowing.

    I’m surprised Google haven’t fixed this yet as its been a known problem for what seems like a long time now. C’mon Google pick up your act and fix this!

    in this case am I wrong about not being able to use Google play credit to purchase hardware? is it that I don’t have enough $$ to cover the full price and postage in the account and if I top it up I could buy hardware??

    thanks in advance.

    Excludes Tassie stores? FU again Woolworths.

    I didn’t realise you cant use Google play credit to purchase devices, i turned a gift card into a $50 GPV to get a spare Qi charger and dame it if you can’t buy devices with Google play credit 🙁

    Too many restrictions on Google’s play cards. See Jaydubya’s post too.

    That’s not bad.

    Thanks for the heads up. 😉