YouTube, the dominant source for online video storage and presentation is moving forward to match the demands of new technology, announcing that they will soon be hosting 360° video in ‘the coming weeks’.

There’s been a large uptake in 360° video capture devices in the past year or so, with the Ricoh, Kodak, Giroptic, VSN and Bublcam all supplying devices. YouTube has obviously taken note of these developments, and speaking to Gizmodo, a YouTube representative announced :

Ever wanted to get 360 perspectives on a video to see everything going on? That’s why we’re working to support 360 degree videos in the coming weeks

This support will also come in handy for Google’s own 360° video playback platform – Cardboard. With Telstra demonstrating just last week how good Cardboard can be to show off 360° video of an event.

We’ll keep an eye out for any further information.

Do you have a device capable of 360° video capture?

Source: Gizmodo.
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    There are a few 360 video experiences available on Google Play for cardboard. A hobbit one and a Kaiju (Godzlila) one among others.