Google Classroom
Google for Education has been quietly gaining momentum in schools around the world since it launched. Google has announced that they’ve released a new app for Android and iOS to help teachers and students to better control their homework and assignments.

Gone are the days of ‘I forgot my homework’ or ‘The dog ate it’ when handing in assignments, Google for Education allows teachers to set homework assignments to students through a portal on their desktop, which also allows them to track all work assigned to students across all their classes. With their new Classroom app, students will now be able to receive, as well as submit those assignments and pieces of homework from their phone or tablet.

The app is available to anyone with a Google Apps for Education account, and offers quite a bit of functionality. Students can use the camera in their device to add a photo to any piece of work, as well as share from other apps in Android – such as attaching graphics from a drawing app etc.

Google is also aware of helping students in areas with little to no internet access, offering offline caching.

If your child is using Google Apps for Education at school, it’s worthwhile asking their teacher if they’ve adopted this app yet. You can head across to Google Play now and check it out.

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: Google For Work.
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    I’m using Google classrooms with my students. Is still definitely missing some functionality but I’m keen to check this app out. Thanks for the heads up.