Instagram For Android

Instagram today follows in the steps of Facebook and Twitter in announcing a public beta program allowing users to test updates and changes to their app.

To join the beta, you need to join the Instagram for Android Beta Testers Google Group then you’ll be able to become a tester. There’s a little over 1,000 members at the moment, and it’s growing.

We haven’t yet seen any mention of the new features on offer in the beta app, and Instagram doesn’t seem to have set up a forum for user feedback, discussion and publication of change logs. Users are instead asked to use the app’s “Report a Problem” feature to submit feedback.

This is an area that companies often end up “growing into” as they recognise the need for a better dialogue with their testers – Twitter’s Mobile Feedback group or Facebook’s own Android Beta Group (along with countless other developers using Google+ Communities) are good examples of beta testing communities.

Are you joining the Instagram Android Beta? Tell us in the comments.

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    I might give that a go.