Happy Easter one and all, as it’s officially after midnight, the magic bunny should have been and left chocolate eggs everywhere by now – and for the religious among you, have a great day. If you haven’t received an easter egg yet though, Google has added a literal easter egg into hangouts for you.

Google Hangouts on occasion with the right phrase added animations that popup, adding a little flair and whimsy to your messaging, and Easter is no different. If you say ‘Happy Easter’ in Hangouts, you’ll be treated to a few neat little animations. There’s three in total, the first is a bunch of eggs pop up to hatch some chicks, the second has a single easter egg pop up to hatch a chick and the third one has a rabbit jump up quickly to say hello.

Just a neat little Easter Egg from Google. Happy Easter from the Ausdroid team.

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    Happy birthday and Easter Bunny also get a response

    As at 11:07pm, Australian Eastern Standard Time, on Easter Saturday night, in Australia, the bunny has only been to places on Australian Eastern Daylight Time.

    He came to our house at 10:30 … As it happens, my bed time….

    As the majority of Australians live in an area with AEDT (Around 14.5 Million People out of 23.5 Million according to the Bureau of Stats) I think my start was fair.

    Easter bunny always saves the best til last.