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In the face of an array of 360° capable cameras from a variety of manufacturers, Google announced last month that they would be allowing the 360° videos to be uploaded to YouTube. If you’re keen to check out the 360° videos then it’s now easier to search for them, with Google adding a search filter to the Android app and the YouTube website to make it easier to find them.

The videos work quite well in the Chrome browser on a desktop, but simply play one direction when you load them up in another browser like Safari. The mobile version works quite well in the Android App as well apparently, though it’s not showing up for us here at Ausdroid as yet. The Google Operating System blog has shown off how it looks in the filters menu, as well as some of the search results.

The options are there, but you may need an update to the YouTube app before you see it so your mileage may vary. Still, check out YouTube on the desktop for now and see what interesting videos you can find.

Via: Google Operating System.