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Google’s Android app store Google Play recently introduced their ‘Family’ category, aimed at giving kids and families a safe place to play. As part of the introduction, they introduced a Free App of the week, but Google hasn’t forgotten the ‘big’ kids, introducing a ‘Deal of the Week’ in both the Apps and Games category, offering a game and an app for a massive discount.

The first app included in the ‘Deal of the Week’ is Smart Launcher Pro 3 from developer GinLemon, while the first game is Game of Thrones from developer Telltale Games. Smart Launcher Pro 3 is normally priced at $4.12, while Game of Thrones retails for $6.53.

The discount on both the game and the app is fairly significant, even with a slight difference between countries it’s being offered in. In Australia, the game and app are just $0.20 each, in the US they’re priced at $0.60, 0.10 Russian Rubles each in Russia, €0.10 each in Germany, $0.78 each in Canada and just 10p each in the UK.

Google has been offering a ‘Deal of the Week’ in their Play Books, and Play Movies section for a number of years now, though they’ve retained the ‘deal of the day’ URL, they’ve been renamed to ‘Read of the Week’ and ‘Movie of the Week’ of late.

The Deal of the week in Apps and Games, brings Google closer to the other notable app stores in the mobile world, notably Amazon who offers their ‘Free app of the day’ promotion often featuring quite well known and popular apps and games for users who side-load the Amazon app store and Apple, who offers a ‘Free App of the Week‘ promotion for iOS users.

Smart Launcher Pro 3
Smart Launcher Pro 3 is a launcher replacement app, giving users a number of features such as new Arch Layout, which gives access to users most used functions from the main screen, as well as double tap and double finger gestures to launch widgets and quickly access contacts and apps.

Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones is based on the immensely popular book and now HBO produced TV Series of the same name, and tells an episodic based story which will be released on a pay-per-episode basis, though for the inital price users do get the first episode ‘Iron From Ice’ which tells the story of House Forrester.

In total six episodes will be released in the series, with episode 5 due to be released today. The episodes can be purchased individually or in a season pass, which is currently on-sale for 15% off.

The deal of the week is a good step for Google, who seem to have found some success with the Google Play Families Free App of the week. The current deals first appeared on Tuesday, so which app and game will appear next is the question. Head over to Google Play and check the App section and Game section to see them in action.

Source: Google Play - Games Deal of the WeekGoogle Play - Apps Deal of the Week.
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    What’s this weeks Free app of the week?

    Smart Launcher Pro (3) is $3.92 in the U.S. store. Tracking it on AppSales I see no indication that it has changed in the last 60 days.

    Regional Variations mate. The US is currently seeing a ‘Summer Sale’ but the rest of the world is seeing a new ‘Deal of the week’.

    The launcher still shows as $3 for me here (US)