While searching the weather in Australia isn’t exactly using the best information, the search card that appears in Google Now and mobile search results is a good indicator of what you can expect to find outside. Google is making the results a little more colourful though for at least a couple of users on reddit.

User aperson has shared an imgur album of the new weather results being seen when searching for weather. The new cards are a lot more colourful and well, arty than the run of the mill cards we’re used to seeing in mobile search results, which while informative are fairly bland. The new cards offer a three tab view of ‘Today’, ‘Tomorrow’ and ’10 Days’:

The actual cards seem to change based on the weather with a decidedly grey outlook for a snow day as you can see above. And there’s also different card types for each day based on the type of weather and it seems the time of day:

The new cards also contain expanded weather information such as visibility, UV index (Slip, slop, slap, seek and slide people), as well as health warnings and the usual sunrise/sunset times:

The cards appear to be only available to the one user at the moment, who reports he’s using a Motorola Moto X Pure on Marshmallow with version 4.4 of the Google app. Google is definitely known for performing limited testing of various cards ahead of either dropping them or a more broad release, so whether we ever see this released isn’t certain, still, they do look nice.

Source: reddit.
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    until they start using decent data (as you’ve mentioned), i won’t look at these cards… weatherzone widgets for now.

    slightly veering off topic, the fact that we’re forced to use certain sources really lets Now down. i don’t care what ‘international business times’ or ‘christian news’ thinks about anything, really.