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Google Play’s weekly app and game deal of the week are now live in the Play Store, with this week Dumpling Sandwich discounting the ad-free version of Pencil Sketch, and Orange Pixel discounting Space Grunts to just 20c each.

Google Play App Deal of the Week

Pencil Sketch Ad-Free

It’s a pretty straight forward app this one. You can basically turn pictures in your gallery, or pics you’re taking on your camera into pencil sketches.

There’s three effects on offer in Pencil Sketch: Sketch, Doodle and Hatch. The app description for each in the app reads:

  • “Sketch” style creates accurate results with smooth edges and curves, which is very good for human portrait photos.
  • “Doodle” style is suitable for objects and nature views, since it presents stronger edges and curves.
  • “Hatch” will work generally on any kind of photos, as it is a simple style which generates a cross-hatching texture on photos.

Before you get too excited, there are in-app purchases in Pencil Sketch, look to pay between $1.00 – $2.18 per item, which will very likely be to get access to better effects.

If you want to check it out, head over to Google Play and see what Pencil Sketch Ad-Free has to offer.

Google Play Game Deal of the Week

Space Grunts

I’ve never really gotten into turn-based RPGs, but Space Grunts looks like a heck of a lot of fun.

Space Grunts is more than a turn-based RPG though, which can be a turn off if you’re not into that style of thing. Space Grunts is a top-down style arcade shooter that simply uses the turn-based mechanic to enable the game play…and it looks great.

The story in the game goes like this:

The year 2476, Earth’s space-federation has been building moon-bases across the galaxy. One of those moon-bases has been sending a distress signal. Space Grunts are a group of intergalactic “problem” solvers, sent to investigate..

You play one, out of a team, of Space Grunts, and your mission is simple: find your way into the moon-base, and figure out what has happened. You’ll have to fight your way through aliens, robots, security drones and base-systems. Find the lower levels of the moon-base, and get to the core of the problems.

There’s weapons, ammo, armour and more to find in your missions, including upgrades and secret stuff sprinkled throughout.

Space Grunts looks to be great fun, so head over to Google Play and check it out.

Developer: OrangePixel
Price: $4.49

Hands down Space Grunts gets the pick of the two this week. Turning a photo into a sketch hasn’t been a huge deal to me since Paper Camera was offered in the 25c app sale in the early days when Google Play was still the Android Market, but a great new title with a new take on turn-based games, I`ll take that any day.

Last weeks deals – Map My Walk+ and Sky Gamblers are still listed at 20c each, but they won’t be for long, so grab them while they’re discounted.

Source: Google Play Game Deal of the WeekGoogle Play App Deal of the Week.