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With Google I/O only days away, Google has shown off a new social service, aimed at small groups to share articles, videos and images with a small group without leaving the space.

Called, naturally, Spaces, the service is available on the Web, and will be rolling out mobile apps on Android and iOS. The service is another attempt at social, but seems to utilise a lot of the natural community ability of Google+ communities in a broader, seemingly more standalone product. Spaces is designed to keep you right in there, with access to Google Search, YouTube, and Chrome built right in.

You can access the service right now on the web at spaces.google.com you create your space and then share the address with friends, family, members of your book club and you can all start sharing. Invites are sent through a link which you can share via messaging, email, a social network, or whatever way you like.

With Google I/O in mind, Google is apparently going to be using Spaces for sessions, and tracks for the conference this week. Google will most likely be sharing links to spaces via their developer accounts, so make sure you follow them on Google+ and Twitter.

The Android app isn’t live yet, but we’ll be updating as soon as Google kicks it up onto Google Play.

Update, 7.50am The Android app is now live! Go check it out:

The app was not found in the store. 🙁


Source: Google BlogSpaces.
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    My family and I are enjoying using Spaces. Does anyone know if it’s encrypted? I’d love our private chats to actually be private.

    Great app, Some features Called, naturally, Spaces, the service is available on the Web, and will be rolling out mobile apps on Android and iOS.

    I don’t use Pintrest, but this comes across as though it is Pintrest++? Or am I wrong?

    Annoyingly, spaces doesn’t work with Google Apps accounts yet it seems. As per usual.

    Yip Im having the same issue. It drives me nuts.

    Yep. I use an app called Togethera for sharing with family, and this would probably do the same job .. though it doesn’t seem to be private.