
Browsing some websites can be annoying, especially in the era of websites formatted to adjust for different devices, with Javascript that loads various functions, and worse. One of the major side effects of this is websites that jump around while they’re loading; just think of a recent time when you’ve gone to click on a link, and the page has moved and you’ve wound up clicking on an ad.

Annoying, right?

Well, in Chrome 51 (which you may well be using already) there’s a fix in testing for this, called Scroll Anchoring. This new feature keeps tabs on where you are on a page, and prevents anything that causes a reflow from disrupting your position on the page.

You can try this out yourself on Chrome 51 by following these steps:

  1. Open Chrome Flags. Paste the following into your address bar:
  2. Select ‘Enabled’ from the dropdown
  3. Restart Chrome with the button at the bottom of the screen

Google has been trying this out for a while, and they think it’s basically ready for the public to use, but they want to iron out any last minute bugs before making it the default Chrome behaviour.

Here’s a demo video showing how it works.

Let us know in the comments if you think this’ll make a difference to your web browsing experiences. If you find any errors, you can report them to Chrome here to have them fixed in future.

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
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Just trying it now. Pretty useful!


Sweet. This will make the experience ‘feel’ a lot less janky as well I’m guessing.
