todoist material

Todoist is one of the most fully functional to do productivity tools available, not only for Android users but as a cross platform option and for those of you who want to keep close tabs on the Olympics – Their template function is about to come in very handy.

Sighted by one of my fellow writers at Ausdroid Scott, Todoist have put a notice on their Facebook Page about a template they’ve created for the first week of the Olympics.

Templates is a little known function in Todoist and allows you to import large numbers or “batches” of jobs quickly and easily, in this specific instance the template includes all events for the first week of the Olympics. By clicking the link you’ll get a new Project added in your Todoist, set out by day and with specific times attached to them for when events will start.

If you find this useful, then keep your eyes open because its highly likely that the team at Todoist will add the second week of the Olympics as a template quite soon.

Have you come across a hidden function in todoist that you want to share with the Ausdroid Community?