Google Play has a good deal at the moment if you’re looking to pick up a new skill, you can rent a ‘For Dummies’ book from Google Play for just 99c.

If you’ve been studying or learning new things in the last 25 years, chances are you’ve picked up one of the thousands of ‘For Dummies’ books that are available. The series started in November 1991, with the release of the first title, DOS For Dummies and to celebrate the 25th anniversary coming up, the 99c sale allows you to rent any of the Dummy guides available in Google Play for 24 hours for just 99c.

24 hours doesn’t seem a long time, but the easy to read layout of the ‘For Dummies’ series means that you can often use them to refine your knowledge on a subject to get you through a test, or finish of something on a project.

There’s loads of titles across many different subjects available ranging from relaxing subjects like meditation and yoga, through to their more traditional technical subject matter like Windows 10 for Dummies or Blogging for Dummies.

There’s more than 3,000 titles to choose from in Google Play, so if you’re looking to learn something new this could be a good opportunity to jump in.

Source: For Dummies Rentals.