
The are few things at this stage that Google Assistant can actually interact with. This is a major limitation in Google’s grand plans to expand their AI and move it to the next level of being a personal assistant, but this has begun to change with Google Assistant now able to be connected as an IF channel.

The third party connectivity capability of assistant is heavily limited at this time, with only a few connections with third party hardware and applications available but you can get around this and use assistant to work with such goodies as Philip Hue lighting, Todoist, Slack, Twitter, Facebook and of course official Google applications by using IF. A personal favourite of mine is adding tasks to Todoist by voice.

The number of recipes is certain to grow in the coming days and weeks as users get creative with it so keep your eyes out for some that may be helpful to you.

What’s the best recipe on IF that you’ve come across or created so far?

Source: ifttt.