Twitter’s original video service, Vine, is closing down. The company announced the closure in October last year before announcing that the videos would be archived. In an update to their Medium post announcing the transition of the Vine App to Vine Camera, they’ve advised that users should download their videos by today.

We’ve got a little bit of grace period here in Australia, with the US obviously behind us in terms of timezones, but if you want your videos, you’d better get in fast. To download your Vine videos you can either jump onto the website, login and go to settings. Once you set an email address you can hit ‘Download Archive’.

According to the company, the Vine app will transition over to Vine Camera which will simply record 6.5 second long looping video clips you can either share to Twitter or save to your own gallery.

Vine was always a service I used exclusively to post videos of my son on various shopping centre rides, but really I never found a compelling use for it. But, as I’ve been using Vine for a long time, the videos I’ve now downloaded are a bit of a trip down memory lane.

Vine Camera will be along shortly, but in the meantime go and download your archive now.

Developer: X Corp.
Price: Free
Source: Vine.
Via: TheVerge.
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    Super bummed about Vine’s closure. I used it about twice a week for laughs. A lot of the content on there I found to be hilarious. It is amazing what people could do with only seconds of video content.