It’s baaack! The Humble Mobile Bundle is back offering a new bundle full of games from Korean developers offering you seven games for under $10.

The bundle is split into three tiers as usual, from $1USD you can get I.F.O. and the SilverBullet, or you can beat the average ($4.95USD) and get Dim Light and Sally’s Law as well, or you can just pay up $5USD and get all of it, including Replica, REDDEN and the newest title, 6180 the moon which is making its Android debut in this bundle. If you grab the $5 tier you also get the soundtrack for REDDEN as well.

You can pay as usual with Credit Card, PayPal or Amazon Payments and choose to throw split some of your payment towards a charity, the developers or the Humble Bundle team.

As usual the games are DRM free, and the best place to manage your Humble Bundle stashes is with the Humble Bundle Android app which you can download and then side-load on your phone or tablet.

If this is your jam, then head over to the Humble Mobile Bundle webpage and get in on it now.

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    Hi guys, I often pick up the humble (mobile) bundle when you guys announce it, but it puzzles me why you don’t usually have a link directly to the sale itself on the site. It’s not a biggie, just would help clicking through (and you’d turn up as referrers perhaps)