Late last year we reported that Google Maps was giving users the opportunity to report crashes and speed cameras, and now this has been further expanded with the additional reporting capability of traffic congestion.

This is added functionality to the automated indications (taken from Android users’ GPS locations and movement) you see on your Google Maps showing traffic speed. With this new function, users can pro-actively report traffic being slower than usual.

In theory user reports will give Google a flag to monitor that area for traffic speeds more actively and alert other Maps users to a potentially faster route to their destination. Depending on your location, this is showing as either “Congestion” or “slowdown”, for Aussies – we’ll be talking about congestion.

It’s an excellent addition to Maps and if you’re a regular user, you may well have had some alerts about crashes or a speed camera ahead of you on your current travel route, the additional reporting has potential for massive time saving for a lot of commuters.

What additional reporting capability or function would you like to see added to Google Maps?

Source: Android Police.
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    If only maps would should your speed and speed limits. All it needs is police warnings and maybe I would switch from waze.

    It’s worked on the AA Maps for a while for me now. I’m on the beta program, though.

    Max, is that AA through the car head unit or on the phone? Seems to show up on AA on the phone, but not the headunit.

    Add this feature with Android Auto Maps, please Google. Its an useless feature when it cannot be used within AA like Waze allows does.

    Google slowly building in the functionality offered by Waze and others. Good to see.