Back in March, Google asked for super sleuths to help track down Carmen Sandiego in Google Earth. The company was blown away by the enthusiasm and speed with which people helped find the former VILE agent who has now become an ACME agent, by traveling from city to city around the globe.

Having users share both stories and memories of playing the original games, along with watching the original and new TV shows and reading the books and sharing experiences have encouraged Google to partner with Carmen Sandiego and learning company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt once again to help find and recover Tutankhamun’s Mask from Le Chevre.

In case you have forgotten who Le Chevre is, he is a master climber and classmate of Carmen Sandiego at the VILE Academy, who has stolen Tutankhamun’s Mask, a priceless artifact.

This is where Carmen – along with Google – are calling on gumshoe detectives, to help find him and recover the priceless artifact and loot he has hidden.

To get your assignment, look for the special edition Pegman icon in Google Earth for Chrome, Android and iOS and follow the clue to track down Le Chevre.

Developer: Google LLC
Price: Free
Source: Google Blog.
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It would be nice if there was an updated version of Google Earth, without Carmen Sandiego.