Twitter can be a great source of information or a hot mess. It really depends on the people you follow, their political views and often which politician has pulled the biggest blunder this week. Filtering through that mess can be a nightmare, but Twitter have put together topics to help you.

The intent seems quite simple, the filters are based on your Twitter data to show you topics that they believe you’ll be interested in to follow then present in your timeline.

When you choose to follow a topic – whether it’s your favourite band, sports team or celebrity – you’ll see Tweets from a whole host of accounts that are experts, fans or just tend to talk about that thing a lot on Twitter.

Users who “trigger” this will be prompted in their timeline to follow topics that may be of interest based on the accounts followed and conversations entered into. While it may seem a little complex, it has the potential to reduce your twitter feed clutter.

I’ll be keeping my eyes out for topics to help reduce the noise on my feed.

Source: Twitter Blog.