The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact lives worldwide and putting it bluntly, it’s scary. One of the problems we face in the social media age is the spread of information (or dis-information) that is not necessarily from official sources or even accurate information. The Australian Government is now offering direct access to official information through not just Whatsapp but also through an official Coronavirus app.

It’s very simple to access by either:

  • Sending a message to +61 400 253 787, or
  • Visit nb. On your phone this will connect you to the Whatsapp resource instantly

While the announcement came on the Australian Government Twitter earlier today, our Prime Minister also announced in a short time ago. During the press conference, the PM also announced the release of a Coronavirus App by the Australian Department of Health to both Apple and Android stores. The Whatsapp resource and app are intended to provide users with an official channel to get up to date and accurate information.

If you would like to get factual information on the virus, its effects, symptoms and what you need to be doing to flatten the curve then these sources are the best place to get it — not from Debbie off Facebook. There are far too many “sources” of information around at the moment and factual, scientific information is what we should all be following.

Make no mistake, this is going to get worse before it gets better. Do the right thing and the smart thing, use official information sources and educate yourself. Above everything else, keep yourselves and your families safe.

Price: To be announced