Aldi Mobile is bringing back their 1-year ‘Super Pack’ next week, with a new bundle heading into stores on April 18th for $299.

The new Super Pack will include the same unlimited call and SMS inclusions as the last bundle, but for an additional $50 (the previous Super Pack cost $249) you get almost double the data with 80GB of data included in this bundle.

In terms of inclusions, 80GB over 12 months works out to around 6.6GB per month, for around $25 per month. A check of the Whistleout comparison website shows there’s some deals around the same price with perhaps a touch more data. Most of those plans use Optus or Vodafone, where as Aldi Mobile uses the Telstra 3G/4G network, so it’s a pretty safe bet you’ll be able to get coverage, but you can always check the coverage map just to be sure.

If you like the look of this, the pack will be on-sale in-store at Aldi outlets on April 18th or you can cehck it out on the Aldi Mobile website now.

Source: Aldi Mobile.
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    The old plan was good for me, bought myself one and my mother. It is enough data for us but the main thing with my mother on the north coast of NSW coverage is only good with Telstra and she has never been happier. For me I would rather save the $50 and have less data.
    At the end of the 12 months if you renew for another 12 they give you 5 extra gb I believe.