Now I’m as sick of the Motorola Milestone rumours as you are, but I think we might finally be on to something here, so bear with me.

Lucas over at has a screenshot (after the break) of the internal Optus Business Plans lineup. Now in between the mess of the usual devices, we find the Moto Milestone & Garmin A10. As lucal said in his post, it makes sense for the Milestone & A10 to be targeted towards the business user, and the sub-par DEXT, Quench & Backflip to be opted towards the average consumer.

The Milestone & A10 are both very sleek looking devices & both have their pros and cons. But the Milestone is one of the few Android Devices around with a fast CPU (Cortex-A8 600MHz) and a physical QWERTY Keyboard. The A10 is also quite good as it’s main priority is GPS which is quite nice for the travelling business person.

Screenshot & (alleged) pricing after the break.

Now as you can see above, the Milestone is slated in at $679 on a $29 Business ‘yes’ plan and the A10 comes in at $459 on the same plan.

[Via: Techanist]

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SHAWEEET good work dude

Just talk to Optus guy 2nit and he said moto Milestone will be available by next week 😀 yaaay

and also it gonna be n social plan or wt ever normal plan 😉 not just business 😀

nothing more 😀 thx god i didnt take the n900 lol.

Do you think the Milestone will have Australian Motonav Maps installed free or will we have to purchase separate?

Whats wrong with them? I cant use Google Maps in many Regional Areas as i frequently go offline.. thats why i use Ovi Maps on Nokia..

oh man, with the recent leak of motorola shadow,i feel like want to wait for it.zzzzzz

seriously? be prepared to wait for a looong time :p Australia and technology have a rocky relationship.

lol and we gotta wait for the GSM version of it too. Thats another 7 months

Hey Matt, I also haven’t heard any news from Optus in regards to the Milestone, and when pressing a source of mine who works for Optus, he also stated that he hadn’t heard anything either. Now you are correct in saying that Optus would never release the Milestone on a 29 plan with handset repayments, however this does not mean the phone can not be sold on the 29 cap with repayments and would more likely go the 79 Cap route with no handset repayments, in fact I can confirm that the Milestone is shown as free on the Business… Read more »

I’ve been a long time Optus business customer and have been hanging out for the Milestone since it was announced in November 09. I’ve come to know a few of the Optus business sales guys quite well and despite my incessant nagging I’ve never heard anything from them about an Optus Milestone release. My source told me this morning that the Milestone is not in his stock listing; there has been no word on it; there hasn’t been any training given; it would never be released on a $29 plan with handset repayments, it would more likely be on $79… Read more »

Optus reps have only recently been advised about the Moto Droid…. but the emphasys is on the sales reps to keep up to date with the news and know how to work their way around mobile phones which a lot dont, unfortunately and that goes for any telco in australia, the reps dont get proper training on the phones and the reps themselves dont bother either, i work for one of the telcos and ive only started working there in the last few months and ive trained most of the staff even my manager on how to use most phones,… Read more »

sweet any idea when?

Hi Buzz, is there any chance of changing the phrase “travelling businessman” to “travelling business person”? Android needs more adoption from women me thinks. Just an opinion, feel free to ignore LOL


Wildfire would be good, though i would think that would be some time away. The networks in Australia really need to promote Android in Australia. It seems only Telstra can market Android handsets in Australia effectively and thats not good consumers, even though their new plans are a 1000 times better then before.

I agree. And IF Vodafone do announce N1 in next month, it will be cheaper than HTC Desire from Telstra right?

probably around the same price maybe 10 bucks cheaper

Also if the Legend is on a $49 cap there is no way that the N1 will be any cheaper 🙁

N1 free on a $79 cap is my guess, with hopefully another refresh of plans in response to Optus’ Social Caps.

yep i agree, i’m hoping for something in the $30 range, maybe we will get the wildfire

you would think if the n1 was coming that they would have announced it at the conference last night.

The conference last night was a HTC/VHA only event though, and the N1 is not a HTC branded device, they are only the OEM manufacturer of it for Google, so it makes sense for it not to be announced last night. It will be a Vodafone announcement if anything. Also if HTC/VHA have only just announced the Legend yesterday for a June 3rd release i would suspect a N1 announcement within a week or so if it’s to come middle of June. Bad timing i would think however with iPhone 4G announcement only a week and a bit away.

then hope vodafone bring N1 by next month..i need android phone so badly!!!!!

I have heard from a Vodafone source, like what was reported on here, that Vodafone should have it by mid-month.

Hey Guys, Optus wont get the Nexus One, they have a agreement with Motorola at the moment, so it makes sense to roll out the Milestone and i dont think it will be long before they throw the Quench onto pre-paid either.

I will shot Optus if they get it. Vodafone need it 🙂

not this 1..bring nexus one please 🙁

Nexus One will be a Vodafone exclusive. Where ever Vodafone is they have exclusive on it