HTC Australia have announced today, via Facebook, that the HTC Aria will be launched/officially announced/something tomorrow but have given no ideas as to which Carrier it will come to. We’ve reported in the past that it would be Optus, but strange things can happen.

The Aria would sit well at VHA or Optus as a direct ‘opponent’ to the low priced HTC Wildfire, which we just reviewed.

We’ll keep you informed!

Source: HTC Australia - Facebook.
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Best combination between price and performance. The higher quality screen is a real plus over the wildfire, but if its $49 a month, ill have to pass.

I hear $49cap OPTUS

It’s my new phone… really, this is the one I’ve been waiting for… come oooon! Come to Virgin, $29 Smart Cap, and it’ll be all mine… and $29 Easy cap for my wife, two sales just waiting here… come to Virgin… come… come… 😀

It’s just that perfect little phone with a slightly larger screen than my current touch phone (3″ Viewty… clunky little number), HTC sexiness, and that 320×480 iPhone 3G resolution screen… perfect, perfect.

Agreed. I’ll pay off my blokia and jump on this with Virgin… Thank god Virgin allows you to leave contract after just 6 months.

My contract with virgin ends at the last week of October…But I would really like this one on Vodafone as Virgin/Floptus 3g only works outdoors or with an xternal antenna in my street in Belmore…

yay hopefully optus means virgin ! All you vodafone customers complaining, stop whining you have had the legend and the n1 while we have yet to see a htc android phone

The Aria would seem more competitive as a lower-end Android device, surely with its better resolution?

Just above the time on the right hand sides says Optus, so I imagine it would be them

Optus don’t brand their handsets physically, only Telstra do.

What market share does HTC have worldwide at the moment?

wouldve been cool on vha, so i guess ill cross this off the list.

FLOPTUS …blah…What the h*** VHA doin….**Sigh**

Its being launched at Optus on postpaid, sometime in October. Could be anywhere from 19C to 29C to 49C. Staff have been trained on the device.

Specifically its being ‘announced’ by HTC tomorrow but wont be in stores for a few weeks at Optus

Fingers Crossed …please let it be on “3”

HTC touch diamond (running windows mobile 6.1) is on 3 for $19 cap.

I have seen HTC touch diamond on 3 website now its vanished…Strange!!

wow, all this time and it’s being launched tomorrow to a currently unknown carrier??? you’d think that we’d’ve known about this weeks ago! (at least by rumour)

come on Virgin dooo eeeeet

Yes, please…. finally!!! Do it Virgin