Recently I’ve had a fair amount of feedback from people regarding the way I wrote things on the site and the attitude I have towards carriers, manufacturers or whoever and that it needs to stop or change. I agree, wholeheartedly. If you’re interested in that, keep reading this post.

When I started Ausdroid back in March, it was just a little hobby site I decided to create over the school holidays with the help of a few mates online. I never expected the site to last or ever receive a sustainable amount of visits. Evidently, I was wrong, very wrong. Ever since March most of my posts have been from my point of view, as I never saw this as a site as a source of real news for people, I just had a bit of fun with it, throwing in a few bad jokes and sarcasm on the way.

Now Ausdroid has grown passed that stage, and I need to take a bit more of a professional attitude towards the site and towards you, the real Android lovers, who want your daily fix of news. I may not be a journalist, I mean hey I’m a high school student for goodness sakes, but I’m certainly going to change the attitude towards the carriers, manufacturers and anyone else. I have nothing against them; it has only been a bit of anger here and there for different things, once again a personal view. I love what these guys do for Android in this country, each carrier have their own cool innovations and really push the hardware.

To stop just my constant point of view coming across, I’ve brought in the help of Chris who’s been doing some of the coolest reviews I’ve read and I want that to continue. I also want you guys to have more input into the site, and that will be in the form of a new site/layout that I aim to launch by years end, that I really hope will make it easier for you to view the news and take part in some of the best discussions about Android in the country.

So what’s really going to happen here is my attitude towards people & companies will change, we’ll start afresh with a more professional mindset, though we won’t leave behind that laid back nature that makes us Aussies who we are. We’ll continue to learn new things as we grow. Thanks for sticking with us guys, it means a lot to everyone that plays a part of what is Ausdroid.

We’d love to hear your constructive input for what we can do to make the site better 🙂

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    Good post! GA is also my greatest earning. Nevertheless, it’s not a much.
    thanks !! pretty helpful publish!
    amazing things thanx

    at first i thought it was bit unprofessional too but as i read more and more it became less noticible and more likable id rather read stuff from someone whos been burnt, knows what he likes and doesnt and knows the good from bad by word or first hand over some “lets not offend anyone ever” dribble that doesnt give you the facts as a real person wants them if i wanted pr bs id go to telstra and ask them to suggest a product so ye if your gonna make the site more profrssional do it in a way… Read more »

    After having just read your post regarding the ‘supposed’ Telstra price hike on the HTC Desire, I think more research needs to go into what it is you’re writing about before having a dig at a carrier – or any business for that matter.

    An opinion is good, but to have an opinion about something with misleading or incorrect information makes your opinion useless and/or irrelevant.

    Other then that, I think this site is fantastic and enjoy reading what you have to say. I hope the site becomes a great success. 🙂

    That mature attitude does you credit.

    I think it’s good that you’re taking a more professional approach. I understand why others want to read your opinion rather than just another website about phones, but honestly, if you keep injecting your personal views into your articles, then the website just becomes a blog. No one would really take your opinions seriously because of the bias and skewed reviews, and therefore, it would defeat the whole purpose of this website: to provide information about Android phones in Australia. So you’re going to try to attract one of two different types of people: 1. People who want to read… Read more »

    Wow had no idea you were in high school…

    Looks like most people are pretty happy with your criticisms and comments. And generally you apologise and preface anything you say anyway, which I find reinforces that it is just your opinion.

    But to repeat what most people have been saying, the way you write now is why I come here.


    I agree with everyone here – this site is fantastic and I like the way you write at the moment! I haven’t found a sense of bias. Just remember – people are much more likely to go out of their way to complain then to compliment.

    And congratulations – I did not realise you were so young!

    Keep up the good work 😀

    Hi! Just found your site when looking for some A50 information and read your insightful reflections above.

    And then that you are but a schoolie in age …..

    Well done! My congrats & encouragement to you with your work. Don’t forget the study

    wow high school. I never would have guessed. shows you are more professional than you give yourself credit for. don’t change for the sake of becoming more PC. I value you opinion, REAL opinions warts and all, not the regular fuffy promo pieces you can get from every mainstream outlet

    For what it’s worth, Buzz, I’ve never had a problem with your views or attitudes; the carriers deserve a regular roasting, particularly Telstra.
    Keep up the good work.

    If you’re criticisms are justified then air them. If you are unsure whether or not the grievance is justifiable, tap into the community for feedback so you can develop a balanced view. The main reason I came to this site was it’s independance.

    I reckon your views are pretty much spot on most of the time. No need to kowtow to naysayers just because they don’t wanna hear the truth!

    A bit of sarcasm and honesty goes a long way in making your site something worth reading and subscribing to.

    Keep up the good work! As far as I’m concerned your work feels pretty professional already 🙂

    I come to your site ONLY because you call it just the way you see it. If i wanted ‘spin’ I would go to the carriers own web sites! Reflection is great – but so is objectivity.

    Personally I think most people are too lienent on the manafacturers and carriers. Just look at Sony… 1.6 really, and no its not a news story that it got pinch to zoom. The lack of support for recent phones moving to 2.2, is just pitiful. Yes there are delays getting this out but if some guys can do it opensource in their own bedroom, what is going on with a big company who have professional staff being able to do it quicker. As for carriers, they are making a bucket load on what we pay for service, so when that… Read more »

    While yes it does take carriers/manufacturers a lot of time to release software out in the world, people in their homes do not have regulatory bodies to answer to. I work in the industry for one of the larger manufacturers and to be honest, we do things as quickly as we can. We have to ensure that the phone and its software meet local and international regulations and standards. That guy at home who’s custom ROM doesn’t work with WiFi would not fly with a customer if it came from a manufacturer. People would be demanding refunds left right and… Read more »

    Good lord Buzz don’t fix what is not broken!!!!

    The reason we come back regularly is the reviews are honest – not highly edited corporate crap.

    Keep up the good work.

    I read this because I believe that you have a valid opinion and tell the truth, you come across as unbiased which is so important. Don’t change too much! If it is bad or poor say so! If it is great say so!

    I love the fact you call out the carriers and manufacturers for things, especially they way they handle upgrades.
    But yes sometimes you might show a little too much bias.

    BTW: When you have an extra phone you dont want send it this way and ill give you a first time android user review – hehehe

    Hmm agreed to all above comments, your honesty is what kept me reading Buzz, without it you’d be just another stick in the mud. While SOME professionalism can help at times there is always a happy medium. Take Jeremy Clarkson for example, he is far from politically correct but hosts the most popular car enthusiast show on tv. You’ve successfully created a niche and I look forward to seeing this site grow into the future. To you and your team keep up the good work! 🙂

    I second Bob’s post.

    Keep up the good work.

    Well like 99% of the comments so far love the site… for all its opinions and reviews and help. The sarcasm isnt for the sake of it its been used to highlight issues, as it should be. As long as your honest in where your coming from in your opinions then say it. Each time I’ve checked this site I have found that the opinions are just that opinions, they weren’t product/telco/brand/iphone/android/symbian or anything else bashing it was just your point of view. KEEP IT UP!

    Nice work.

    You fool, don’t kowtow to those critics! Sounds like you’re being gagged by these carriers and manufacturers. If they stop sending you review units then let us, your readers know. Surely we can help, rather than having you give in.

    I’d stop reading if you knew you were self-censoring or less honest about your feelings towards any content on the site.

    Don’t change your style, content or integrity.

    Also, it’s good that you’re open about the matter.

    Good luck!

    Buzz, It is a little disappointing that people consider you comments hurtful. Clearly there are carriers out there that don’t do the best by their customers for price, customer service and technology implementation. Please try to always remember that this is a site about ANDROID, not the carriers. Having a go at any carrier that detracts from the Android experience should be acceptable. Especially those that install bloatware or delay factory updates any longer than a couple of days. From an Android user perspective, we are having to deal with many issues that iPhone owners take for granted due to… Read more »

    nah…good job.

    you know without an opinion and a little vitriol, you are just an advertiser, you use the platform, you deal with the carriers, you know what you like and don’t like. That’s the key, not vocabulary, or reading level, or other people’s opinion of your opinion. You can’t agree with all the people all the time. You’ve created a great local resource that fills a niche in our late uptake Android scene in OZ. TechCrunch’s Mike Arrington didn’t get where he is by being told how to write, he just wrote what he thought. You will refine your style, but… Read more »

    Keep going. I am constantly impressed (and pretty jealous) that you set up this esp. being the age you are. Good luck and if you just continue the way you are this will always be the no 1 go to site for android in Australia.

    Buzz, this site has come a long way mate, and as a fellow blogger, I love it. Maybe you could have a regular piece on the site where you can have a little bit of a rant and really stick it to those who drag their feet and seem to treat their customers with disregard, ie Motorola and Sony Ericsson. Leave the rest of the post as professional points of view with a bit of the always welcome sense of humour.

    Mate, I had no idea that you are in high school. Given the appearance of this site and how you managed to get your news, I would have though you were a little older. Personally I don’t think you need to change your style too much as I find it amusing and interesting to read. Although if you want to up your game to be more professional, I would say go for it. It may end up helping you further down the line in whatever career path you decide to take. Suggestions for the future? I can’t think of much… Read more »

    Great site. But don’t lose your sense of humour, and don’t become one of those boring blogs that feels the need to keep on the good side of the big players, no matter how many goodies come your way.

    I suggest you have TWO seperate parts to your posts. One can be more professional and ONE can be opinion of a consumer (Just like the rest of us).
    I love the site and personally, I thought you were a journalist or “profesional” as the site is exceptionally well presented and i get updates on my HTC Desire autmagically. WELL DONE young fella. Power to you!!!!

    I think pretty much every gripe you’ve had is warranted (even towards me :D). In a way you’re “keeping the bastards honest” (well, giving them incentive to be honest at least), which is a true blue aussie thing to do. Love the site, love your work, don’t change too much!

    Oh yeah, I forgot that there aren’t too many sites where the admin gets involved in the forums as much as you do

    I love you Buzz!

    Buzz, I’ve been a long time reader and it is your opinions that make this different from other sites.
    Keep it up and I look forward to the site changes.
    I’ll be a reader for many years more as I have it booked on my desire hd. I became an android devotee mainly from this site.

    I don’t think too many people have commended the site as an actual useful resources for Android. There’s been quite a few times where I’ve needed to set friends’ APN’s and just gone to on my Nexus and got it straight away (although APNs even for carriers seem to vary from handset to handset).

    And also the ‘integrated’ resource for which Aussie carriers are stocking which phones. Keep it up!

    Us should be up lol bloody T9

    Well said mate. But don’t go beating yourself up to much as there’s too many precious people out there these days that just need to harden us a bit.
    Keep us the great work and don’t ever forget your still entitled to an opinion.

    I found this site while impatiently waiting for news to come out of the desire hd.

    I had no idea u were a school student. I love your style. You have made me laugh many times. As for those whining about spellling and grammar suck it up sunshine. This is not a publication.

    Keep up the great work. I am sure I will keep reading.

    Buzz this is great.
    BUT i like the way you work tbh. i dont find ausdroid boring. i think it’s great!

    but yeah, whatever you feel needs to be done, we all support you! 😀

    What you have now is great. If I wanted a grey, politically correct, boring blog i’d read vodafone/3’s.

    the face you speak your mind makes this information more valuable and with enough voices from the community may help to keep the telco’s on their toes!

    if not for this site i may have never got an android!

    You can’t please everyone all the time, you do what you do well (which shows in the sites popularity). Kudos for that Buzz. /tiphat

    I’m impressed with the way you take feedback Buzz. I also like the the idea of making the site more professional. I think one of the reasons for your success is that visitors to the site feel as though you get where we are coming from – a fellow tech user’s perspective is a great thing that you can’t get on a carrier or manufacturer website – just saying. I reckon you’ve got wisdom beyond your years mate and the know-how to manage the site well. This is just the beginning. There’s great stuff ahead Buzz, go for it man!… Read more »

    great work so far, just dont loose the telling it as u see it tone that makes us android fans feel like ur one of us. And the great depth of fresh info on all aus android related news.

    Ps check this site twice a day since I found it 2 months ago. Always something interesting, thankyou.

    I follow this site via RSS and find it a great way to keep on android news that is relevant to me. I find I generally read *all* of your posts, not just skim the headings. Please keep up the great work.

    In the last days I have noticed that the rss feed now only shows has the intro to the post. Is it possible to get the full feed reinstated?

    Hi Buzz, I only started following this site (via RSS) a couple of months ago, and I must say that the appearance and quality of content gave me the impression that it was a much bigger operation behind scenes than your post here suggests. Congratulations on creating such a professional (and dare I say it, authoritative) presence so quickly, and on a shoe string. I appreciate that the workload is quite heavy, and that you need to spread the load. Please be careful who you take on board, as one of the attractions is your style of writing. thanks for… Read more »

    WOW!! A high school student!! I’m impressed, this site is a credit to you and you should be extremely proud of it.

    I love this site just the way it is and visit almost every day to see whats new in Android world. Keep up the fantastic work.

    Buzz stay real thats whats makes your site honest reviews comments jokes competitions etc etc Not much of this left these days GO BUZZ

    Hey Buzz~~thanks mate for the wonderful site^^

    I guess everyone has to give in to the mighty dollar. Don’t sell too much of yourself and style to get free demo gear..

    Sadly its a way of life. Good reviews equal free demo gear. Bad reviews means your off the review list.

    First of all, congratulations. I’ve never actually realised how young you are and all credit to you and your mates for creating a fantastic site and great content.

    As others have stated, don’t change the content too much. Yes, professionalism is good, having some more objectivity as well but, I don’t think I’ve read a single review on this site where criticism wasn’t well deserved.

    So by all means, evolve and I wish you continued success with the site but keep the spirit that has attracted your current reader base.

    Good on buzz I have used this site for a long time keep it up.