Well would you look at that, along with the launch of Android 2.3 “Gingerbread”, Google are actively pushing out the new look Android Market (see above) to all phones running Android 1.6 and above. Google says it will enrich the experience for the sellers and the buyers, with increased browse-to-purchase rates.

This new Market client introduces important features that improve merchandising of applications, streamline the browse-to-purchase experience, and make it easier for developers to distribute their applications.

Along with the new look is a higher limit on the size of APKs that can be uploaded to the market, with the new size limit being 50MB, which will allow for greater gaming experiences for the end-user. Or just bigger data bills, either way. Google also stated this isn’t the final product, and that more subtle changes will be happening in the coming weeks and months. No doubt to enrich the experience once again for Tablet users running Android 3.0 in the first half of next year.

Source: Android Developer Blog.
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Mine rolled out (or was it rolled in?) today. At least I saw it for the first time today and wondered what was going on. Don’t we get any say is what gets installed on our phones?

nope because its a core element

The market interface changed a bit for my device (2.1). It has three tabs now, overview, comment and similar apps. But it doesn’t look resemble the screenshot.

well i have the new market on my Desire… not sure if i like it… it is laggy as hell but that might be because it is beta… anyways my initial reaction is that some lower end devices are going to really chug along with this new marketplace…

It would be nice if there was a web interface as well, a bit like AppBrain.

some apps require constant data retreival, and some people dont have apps connecting every 15 minutes or more frequently……so this decision is no good.

Think they must be really trying to attract more devs, though 15 minutes seems a bit rough. Would think an hour or so would be a nice balance.

Buzz you left out the best bit. With the new roll out there is a little change in the ability to refund an App within 24hrs. Now it is 15MINS!!!!!!!!


Go Google – WTF