You may remember back at Google IO when the announcement of Android 3.1 was made, and its ability to add USB hosting, which allows USB-enabled controllers or devices to run off any Honeycomb Tablet. There were many videos made with people using it on the Motorola XOOM because it had a micro-USB input, whereas the Galaxy Tab 10.1 (and 101.v) only has a 30-pin adapter. Now we can fret no more, as Samsung have now released an adapter that goes from 30-pin to USB, to allow USB devices to plug in to the Galaxy Tab 10.1. Handy. Oh yeah, it’s only $20USD from the Samsung Online Store, but they won’t ship to Australia yet.

Source: Samsung.
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If this device is designed to work with Honeycomb 3.1, when will the upgrade be available for the 10.1v ?

It appears this might work on the galaxy s 2 as well

Wish it just came with a normal micro(?)-usb like all the phones do V_v

Oh well, at least i can connect now tho…

Along with the 10.1v question – is there any reason this wouldn’t work on the smaller Galaxy Tab 8.9?

Does this support the 10.1v? From a slide I seen earlier in the year, it was said to only support 10.1, not the 10.1v….. That and the 10.1v hasn’t gotten the 3.1 update yet, I’m not sure if this will work.