Tuesday next week (or next Wednesday morning, our time) looks to get more exciting!

Why? We’ve already had the teaser video from Samsung with what appears to be our first look at the Samsung/Google Nexus Prime (or whatever it ends up being called). Now, it looks like the Android Developers YouTube channel has confirmed that the Google/Samsung event for next week is indeed the launch for Ice-Cream Sandwich. The Title of the video is: ‘Android ICS Launch’ and the Description is headed by ‘Streamed live on 11 Oct 2011 by androiddevelopers‘.

With this news, 5:30AM next Wednesday is going to be exciting no matter what hardware is released. Now, to ready my Nexus One and Nexus S for an incoming Ice-Cream Sandwich!

Source: DroidLife.
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5:30am? My geekiness is totally going to make me wake up that early.

It’s gone. lol.

Awesome news, wonder how long it will take for the ICS AOSP Roms to be released.