Keen to get your hands on the Xperia S? Well MobiCity, along with other online retailers, have confirmed that they’ll be receiving and shipping out stock from the 6th of March. The time between the announcement of the device at CES and a launch on March 6th is a stark contrast to the 6 months or so it took Sony Ericsson to launch the Xperia X10 back in the day. The starting price is $699 a pop with free delivery (insured. tracked.), though you can be sure to see a price drop a few weeks after launch when other big named devices like the HTC One series hit the market.

Our own Irwin Proud will be reviewing the Xperia S as soon as he gets his hands on the one he purchased. As a person looking at buying the Xperia S, I’ll be keen to read that review.

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I’m thinking of getting the Xperia S as well. Where are you guys going to get a microSIM for this phone to do the review?

that bit at the end, under the silver ribbon is a waste of space … Either remove it or Extend the screen …

I think that extra bit can stay if it’s all 5000mh battery. But it’s not 🙁

Longphone is long

I feel it’s only right that you disclose at the end of these articles that you’re site is sponsored by this company.

Although you make a brief reference in this article to other outlets, it is spruiking MobiCity’s services (reference to the included price of shipping insurance, etc.) and while you have mentioned your financial interest previously, your site is constantly growing with new readers who may not have read said disclosures.

just for the sake of transparency and professionalism. /rant over