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With the recent launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note here in Australia, the question everyone has been asking is: when will it get Ice Cream Sandwich? At the launch event, Samsung couldn’t pinpoint a specific time frame, however, Samsung Norway have jumped in on their Facebook page to tell their users that the update has been pushed back from Q1 to Q2 of this year.

We realize of course that you will have ICS, and we promise that we work very hard for you to get ICS as soon as possible – but unfortunately we have at present no more specific date than that it will be in Q2.

Although it’s not pinpointing an exact date, it does give us some idea of where Samsung are at with the update. Perhaps it took them longer than expected to finish off and then push out the Android 4.0.3 update for the Galaxy S II. Or to jump into a conspiracy theory, Samsung might be focusing their attention towards their next flagship device — the Galaxy S III.

If you have jumped in and purchased a Galaxy Note, this news might be a tad annoying. But remember, at least your device is being updated.

Source: Samsung NorwaySammy Hub.
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Today i got a Telstra settings update for my Note and now my browser is stuck in landscape mode. Anyone know how i can uninstall it?

how do you push something back?  you can push something forward or pull it back…

Google the words push back and you will get an answer.  Havent you ever pushed something back or did you eat all your vegetables as a boy? 🙂

It not like ics changes anything just can download dedicated 4.0+ widgets witch is like 15 max lol  ? TouchWiz makes it look exactly the same as it does now.. same app draw everything 

Its yge only reason why im not getting it. I dont want that frustration.

 My bigger bother is with the version of ICS put onto the Galaxy S2.  No Roboto, all the stuff that makes ICS look special ripped out.  It’s a big letdown.

I want a Note, but a want a Note with proper ICS, rather than an updated TouchWiz that still looks like the Ginger version.

Which Q2 starts next month, so…