The results of our poll are in! We asked you which (Android, duh) phone you were thinking of getting next and the results are pretty much as we expected: you want the Samsung Galaxy S III. You can check out the total results here, but we’ll give you the top five from over 1,100 votes.

  1. Samsung Galaxy S III – 47.76% – 533 votes
  2. HTC One X – 14.7% – 164 votes
  3. HTC One XL – 8.42% – 94 votes
  4. Samsung Galaxy Note – 7.8% – 87 votes
  5. Sony Xperia S – 5.91% – 66 votes

As you can see, the Galaxy S III is well ahead of the pack, mainly due to the anticipation and hype behind the unconfirmed device — it’s sure to rise/fall once specs are confirmed and people make a final decision.

The HTC One X and One XL are in second and third respectively, but have a combined total of around 23% which puts them well ahead of the Galaxy Note and Xperia S in fourth and fifth positions. It would seem that Telstra is on a winner by having the 4G One XL on their network, they just need to confirm a launch date and pricing.

Samsung’s 5.3-inch Galaxy Note makes it into 4th place, unsurprisingly. It has been a major hit for Samsung, whom have sold over 5 million of the devices. It’s also a major seller in Australia seeing as it’s available on all the major carriers.

Rounding out the top 5 five is the Xperia S, Sony’s flagship device, and the device I’m currently reviewing (spoiler: it needs ICS). The price of the Xperia S is certainly going to appeal to most people. You can buy it outright from Allphones for $488 and if you head into a Sony Centre you can get that price down to $475.

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Thank God Android still has HTC. I can’t imagine having to share the same phone w all those bloody annoying Samsung fan boys. And I thought Apple fan boys are bad enough…

After what has happened with the galaxy S2 update to ICS I cannot justify ordering yet another Samsung or continuing to be a T-Mobile customer. No wonder T-Mobile lost so many customers late month & continues to be a 3rd rated  service provider. If there ever was a time that T-Mobile needed to shine by getting ICS out quickly this was it. I guess t-mobile exec’s didn’t care that if they had been the first ones out of gate with ICS it would have gone a long ways in restoring their image as a reliable & customer caring cellular provider. … Read more »

I certainly would not now consider buying any phone without a replaceable battery and microSD card slot.

No matter how well a phone peforms, it’s useless without power and storage. 

Let’s hope the Samsung Galaxy SIII turns out to have both – otherwise it will be the Galaxy Note.

Do you know when Sony Stores will be stocking the S?

Already got my One X from All Phones today! Nice…!!

Bloody Samsung fanbois…..

The SG 
 III will be the same specs as the HTC One X, just watch

 It could have the same screen resolution and processor clocked at the same speed on paper, but if it gets a Super AMOLED PLUS screen which would look awesome and a quad core exynos processor that performs better than the Tegra 3, that’ll still be more awesome and I’d still be excited to get it.

Definitely not. If it’s the Exynos 4412 with Mali T-604 it will outstrip the Tegra by miles. the new mali is around 5x faster than the 400 and just like the galaxy s2 the s3 will smash all competitors in benchmarking.

Quite interesting.
Can’t wait to see the confirmed Galaxy S III, it has a lot to live up to and a lot to compete with against the HTC One X.

Personally on screen keys are something that will turn it for me, I can’t stand the ones on the GNexus, so if the SGSIII has them it could sway me over to HTC

Morgan, there is an article on Android Central that discusses that very issue. You should check it out. I’m still in two minds about the issue.