You`re feeling like Pizza but you`re wanting something more Gourmet than the average large chain pizza fare on offer, then you`re probably going to go with a Crust Gourmet Pizza. They’ve just released their Android app to help you out when ordering, the app allows you to login with your VIPP(Very Important Pizza Person) account or you can also register in the app, registering as a VIPP gets you free delivery on orders over $20, so it’s worth it.

The app is nice, very straightforward with a clean design. The app quickly pinpoints your nearest stores when you first load up and login and can advise if your closest one is open and if not will then allow you to choose the next closest outlet. The menu shows pictures of the pizzas, starters, salads and desserts and also allows you to review your order before placing it. Basically if you have a Crust Gourmet Pizza store near you, this app is a definite must have. I highly suggest the Philly Steak pizza or the Calzones which are simply delicious.

The app has been released as version 1.0 and I can really find nothing much wrong with it, without going to the point of actually ordering(already eaten tonight) it’s a fairly hefty 25MB in size according to it’s Google Play Store Entry so I recommend perhaps a Wifi connection to download and update the app, not sure if the 25MB is for the initial install as it updated the menu the first time I ran it, it’s compatible with devices running Android 2.3.3 and upwards so if you’re in the mood for some gourmet style pizza try this app out.

Source: Google Play Store.
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    I just laughed very hard at “Very Important Pizza Person.”