Newly released figures from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech shows that Android Smartphone sales have again grown in Australia while sales of the iPhone have declined.

Whilst the data released only takes into account just over a weeks worth of iPhone 5 sales it shows that over almost a full year in Australia at least Android Smartphone sales grew from 53% to 67.1% of total sales whilst the iPhone dropped from almost 28% to 23.2%. Looking at other mobile OS sales Windows Phone gained 1% in terms of sales with the big loser in all this predictably being the now defunct Symbian mobile OS from Nokia. RIM also lost ground on their sales with a drop of 1.5% to take just 0.6% of overall smartphone sales in Australia.

In the US and Britain iOS sales did show an increase with Android sales dropping in the US by 8.9% to 57.5% of sales, in Great Britain sales of Android devices continued to grow seemingly at the expense of Blackberry devices with RIM sales dropping by 12%. For the first time, Chinese Smartphone sales figures were recorded with Android devices taking 65.2% of sales.

Overall it appears that Android and iOS remain as the top dogs in the mobile OS market. RIM is in serious trouble losing ground in every market with Windows Phone making some small but promising gains in almost every market except Germany, the Germans obviously not a fan of the Redmond giant.

With the iPhone 5 now on the market and the Nexus 4 soon to be on-sale it will be interesting to see how next years figures look in terms of if LTE will be a factor in peoples purchasing decisions. Download the full report here and make your own determination of the figures and let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: KantarWorldPanel.
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    Everyone I speak to nowadays equates, Android = freedom, and the iPhone = bland walled garden for skivvy wearing hipsters :P. Plus iPhone 4S and 5 have been underwhelming…

    Power in numbers really. For every 1 iphone model, there’s about 100 androids.

    And you could say for every 50 Android phones there is one decent one.

    Correction: rim is now 0.6% not 2.6%

    Thanks 🙂

    I’d rather see it as a breakdown of manufacturers to see who is cannibalising who in the Android space as well.