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How well do you think conversations about Android and a few cold beers work together? We think it works pretty well.

So after much prompting from the Ausdroid fans in the West we’ve decided to run the first Perth Ausdroid Meetup. For those of you close to Fremantle, come down to the Little Creatures Brewery in Fremantle (Map Below) between 3PM and 6PM(possibly later depending on who buys the beer) on the 9th of February. Have a few drinks with other Ausdroiders and the Perth Ausdroid Team. Lucas, Joel and myself(Adam) will be there, so feel free to bring some of your favorite Android stories and devices to share with us.

Put the date into your calendar and we hope to see you at Little Creatures on the 9th of February!

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    Where abouts are we meeting? Inside or outside?

    Don’t know! Been walking about for a bit with a blue Penguin-y Hawaiian shirt and blue phone. -Nick.

    Looks good guys. See you there.

    Sounds good to me! I’ll be there.

    damn I will still be in Germany 🙁

    Please have a Brissy meet up!

    How about setting up a G+ event so you can keep track of who is going, plus chat to others on G+ before the event, rather than rocking up as strangers?

    I didn’t think of that, I’ll get dan to add an event as i currently don’t have access to the Ausdroid G+ account. It’s a great idea