Since HTC only make phones, and considering that the invites to the press event were sent to Android Central, it’s a pretty safe bet that they’re about to announce a new Android phone. It’s probably a pretty big release, as they’re hosting two press events in two major cities contemporaneously, and hopefully we’ll get a chance to see more of that magical M7 that we’ve seen around the place lately.

Considering that Mobile World Congress is a mere six days after HTC’s event, it’s likely that HTC are trying to stand out from the competition by getting their latest flagship out there first. The M7 is expected to ship with a new, much more toned down and awesome version of HTC Sense, which hopefully won’t butcher Android’s design style as much as previous versions.

We have asked HTC Australia for comment, but have yet to hear back. I’m a big fan of HTC’s phones, and I can’t wait to see what they’ve made for us.

Source: Android Central.
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No doubt the phone will be awesome. HTC phones usually are. Now all they need to do is spend more than a couple of bucks on marketing…

Very, very true. The two biggest smartphone manufacturers are Samsung and Apple. Both advertise the hell out of their products.

I’m expecting lots from HTC, I hope sense is even less bloated, because I actually like the look of the sense ui.